ATTRACT DIH aims to support the digital transition underway in Portugal, with special emphasis on AI and High Performance Computing (HPC). To this end, it will act as a fully qualified access point (one-stop-shop) to support companies, especially SMEs, and Public Administration (PA), in the design, development and adoption of methodologies and solutions exploring the potential of AI and HPC, making available the main Portuguese competence centres in these fields. ATTRACT DIH aims to work on both the supply and demand sides, in order to accelerate and increase the impact of these technologies, by supporting the development of new technologies and solutions that address the needs of SMEs and PA and, at the same time, to support the end users to adopt them.
Project Coordinator
INESC TEC – Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, Tecnologia e Ciência (PT)
DTx – Associação Laboratório Colaborativo em Transformação Digital (PT)
DSPA – Data Science Portuguese Association (PT)
UNL – Universidade Nova de Lisboa – FCT (PT)
UBI – Universidade da Beira Interior (PT)
UC – Universidade de Coimbra (PT)
UE – Universidade de Évora (PT)
UL-FCUL – Universidade de Lisboa (PT)
UL-IST – Universidade de Lisboa – IST (PT)
UTAD – Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (PT)
UMinho – Universidade do Minho (PT)
UPorto – Universidade do Porto (PT)
IPB – Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (PT)
IPCA – Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e Ave (PT)
IPL – Instituto Politécnico de Leiria (PT)
IPP – Instituto Politécnico do Porto (PT)
INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (PT)
IPN – Instituto Pedro Nunes (PT)
LNEC – Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (PT)
Vortex – Associação para o Laboratório Colaborativo em Sistemas Ciber-físicos e Ciber-segurança (PT)
AIP – Associação Industrial Portuguesa (PT)
Total Budget
GECAD Budget